Martial Arts Classes at Mile High Karate

Dinner Before Dessert

October 4, 2023 by

Mile High Karate

Black Belt displays congressional acceptance award

Do what I need BEFORE what I want!

It can be very tempting to put off the things you need to do in favor of what you want to do. However, this procrastination leads to stress and overwhelm. 


Good habits are crucial to build in ourselves and in our children. One good habit that is important to form is the ability to do what we need before what we want to do. 


There are many benefits to getting what we need done before what we want to do:


*Reduce Stress and Anxiety – When there are many things on your list, it’s hard to relax. When you complete the things on your list it is much easier to relax and enjoy yourself. 


*Improves your Productivity – Staying on task helps improve your productivity. When you’re constantly switching tasks, it’s hard to get your tasks done. By doing what you need to first, it helps reduce distractions and helps you stay on task. 


*Sense of accomplishment – When you complete tasks, you get a sense of accomplishment, especially when it’s been sitting on your to-do list. When you get what you’re supposed to done, you feel you’re moving forward and making progress which can provide more motivation to get more tasks done. 


Good Habits are hard to make but easy to live with. 

Habits are things we do regularly. We reinforce our habits by creating a reward system for completing the task. Sometimes completion of the task itself is reward enough. If you find a you are having a hard time building a habit, find some way you can reward yourself to complete the task to help it become a habit. 


Doing what you need to do before what you want to do may not always be easy, but it’s worth it. When you take care of your responsibilities first, you can relax and enjoy your free time knowing that you’ve done everything that you need to do.