
We are developing life skills that help kids in school, home, socially and so MUCH More.

Black Belt displays congressional acceptance award
October 4, 2023

Dinner Before Dessert

Do what I need BEFORE what I want! It can be very tempting to put off the things you need to do…

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students sets black belt goal
September 28, 2023

The Importance of Positive Self-Expectancy and Goals Attainment

Positive Self Expectancy is believing that you can accomplish your goals.  With this sense of optimism and confidence in your ability to…

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September 12, 2023

The Power of Being a Good Finder

The world is a challenging place. We are constantly exposed to negativity and suffering. Just turn on the news. It can be…

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young boy showing off his vision board
September 6, 2023

Creating your Vision Board

A Goal is just a Dream until you Write It Down Once you write out your goals, you make them more real…

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Elbow Strike
March 31, 2022

Be Neither Target Nor Victim

Every individual, at some point in his or her life, has been victimized, exploited, or abused in some form or another. Whether…

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Child Safety is More Than Just a “Stranger Danger” Campaign

Today children need to be empowered with positive messages and age-appropriate skills that will build their self-confidence and self-esteem while helping to…

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Too Tired to Exercise? Get Self-Sustaining Energy from Martial Arts!

Are you making excuses to avoid exercise and say you feel too tired to work out any more? You know it is…

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How Martial Arts Training Teaches Respect

Many modern, high quality schools in the area offer provide Martial Arts training with a range of programs and options for adults…

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How to Choose a Martial Arts School for You or Your Kids

In the Martial Arts business, not all schools are created equal. Martial Arts instructors generally do not have to answer to a…

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A Humble, Determined Martial Arts Attitude Spurs Growth

People gravitate to the Martial Arts for a number of different reasons. Some are obvious, like physical fitness and learning how to…

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